Removable Dentures

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Customized dentures to fit your mouth shape perfectly. Expect to feel confident with your new smile.

Removable Dentures

1. In a nutshell what is a removable denture?

A removable denture is a dental restorative treatment to replace missing teeth.
A denture can replace a number of missing teeth and are custom made to fit each individual patient.

2. Are there different types of denture?

There are two types of removable denture on the dental market:

Complete removable denture – This type of denture is required for patients who have lost their whole set of teeth. This denture can take some time to get used to and is often held in place by an adhesive.

Partial removable denture – This type of denture is required for patients who have teeth remaining but have lost a significant amount. Due to the remaining teeth, this type of denture can be held in place by wires onto the natural teeth.

3. What are the advantages of a removable denture?

A removable denture is a great way to replace missing teeth in an aesthetically pleasing way. Dentures are custom made to fit patients perfectly, and this allows for the restoration of chewing efficiency which was lost with the natural teeth.

A removable denture also allows patients to maintain their oral hygiene with your dentists help on how to best clean your denture.

A removable denture can vary in price depending on the complexity of the case. However, it is a cost effective way to optimise your smile, along with Dental & Skin’s financial options.

4. What are the disadvantages of a removable denture?

As with most dental treatments, changes in your mouth can take some time to get used to. Patients with dentures will also have to take extra care of their oral hygiene, making sure remaining food is cleaned away properly. This can require additional hygiene appointments and check ups with your dentist.

For patients who have partial removable dentures, additional dental appointments may be needed to adjust and check clasps.

Patients can also experience pressure to the gums and tissue underneath their denture, however, a well made denture will avoid this.

5. How long on average do dentures last?

Dentures have the strength and durability to last a long time. A dentures life span is also dependant on how well it is looked after.

At Dental & Skin we recommend replacing your denture every 7 years.

6. Will my denture fall out in social interactions?

Dentures can take some time to get used to, however, they rarely dislodge and patients can feel confident in social situations.

We recommend for patients to practice speaking with their denture at home. This way patients will learn to use their facial muscles in a way which suits their denture.

7. Which materials are dentures made from?

At Dental & Skin we use acrylic, nylon flexible and cobalt chrome dentures.

Cobalt Chrome Dentures – This type of denture is not as aesthetic in comparison to acrylic and cobalt chrome dentures, however, they are more stable and therefore cost effective. This denture will fit and feel snug in your mouth due to its light weight feel.
This denture is likely to absorb your food, making it easier to clean and more hygienic.

Acrylic Dentures – This type of denture is highly aesthetic with its range of colour and shape options, however, acrylic can be easily stained. Acrylic is less likely to chip and can relieve the pressure for those patients who grind their teeth.

Nylon Flexible Dentures – This type of denture is also highly aesthetic, it can both match and disguise the natural colour of your teeth. This denture is the more flexible of the three, increasing comfortability. However, for patients who have lost a significant amount of natural teeth, this denture is not suitable as it requires support from adjacent teeth.

8. How do I clean my denture?

The best way to clean your denture is how you would your natural teeth. Brushing your denture twice a day, including the gum surface.

You can also soak your denture after it has been brushed.

Your dentist will advise you on how to best clean your denture, in the appointment it has been fitted.

9. Do dentures need to be removed at night?

This would depend on the preference of the patient. If a patient is comfortable to sleep with their denture that is fine. If not, that is fine also, just remember to leave your denture in water over night.

10. Why a denture at Dental & Skin?

At our London, Islington clinic we offer three types of denture materials to choose from. All strong dentures with aesthetically pleasing results.

We are confident in the success of our dentures that we have a 5 year guarantee.

At Dental & Skin, we involve our patients at every stage of treatment, we provide selection of shades and we provide trial denture to ensure that dentures meet our patient’s expectations.

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